Get a load of what fellow mums across our great country are using to save money. You need as much support as possible to help you make these savings. And it’s really important to utilise the ideas and hacks listed to try to save yourself valuable cash.
Clear Debt
It’s difficult to save money when you have the looming spectre of debt hanging over you. So you need to clear this before you’re in a position to start making effective savings. There are a lot of things you can do to help achieve this. For one thing, you may wish to take out a loan for debt consolidation purposes. A site like offers you plenty of options for the sorts of loans that will help you with this. Trying to get debt-free, or at least managing your debt, is the most important thing to do when you’re working towards trying to make savings.
You may or may not be familiar with the kid-for-a-quid concepts. This is where parents can take their kids to places, experiences, or on transport for merely one pound. It’s a wonderful incentive to get children interested in things, and it’s cost-effective for parents as well. For instance, Cineworld offers Saturday morning parent-kid visits for £1! Many football clubs, such as Swindon Town offer children’s tickets for £1 for specific matches. This is in order to promote interest and attendance for games. This is a wonderful way to keep your children entertained for really cheap.
Start That Rainy Day Fund
Saving is always important, and it should always be in the back of your mind. There are many things you have to consider as a mum raising young kids. And one of them is getting some form of savings in place. Start that rainy day fund off right now, and try to build it over the next year. Get yourself a large jar and start putting money in it whenever you can. Anytime you have change or notes, deposit them in the jar, and you will slowly begin building up a rainy day fund. After a year you can use this money to take the kids on holiday, have a day out, or fix the house up. Rainy day funds play an important role in the family home, and in providing a financial safety net for parents all across the country.
Cut Your Mobile Data Plan Down
It’s important to look at areas in your life that are costing you the most amount of cash. And one of the main areas is likely to be your mobile phone. We are ‘Generation-Tech,’ and we can’t seem to go anywhere or do anything without our mobile phones. That’s why it’s important that we use them as much as possible. But, you also have to appreciate the costs involved in owning a mobile phone. In days gone by it used to be the case that pay-as-you-go phones were always cheaper than contracts. But that is no longer the case, and it’s entirely possible to get really affordable mobile contracts these days. Just call your network, tell them you want to cut down, and give them your price range.
Utilise Your Apps
Do you know what can become your new best friend? Your smartphone! Yes, even after cutting down on the costs of your mobile bill, you can still get even more benefits from your smartphone. See, there are a lot of vouchers and codes you can use via apps, that will help you to save money. These can be used when you’re eating out, shopping or going to the cinema. Head to and download Vouchercloud to allow you to access and make full use of these apps and vouchers at the click of a button. The smartphone should be the modern mum’s secret weapon, and you need to wield its full power.
Meals Around Deals
Another great suggestion is to try to build meals around deals. This means basing what the family is going to be eating around what the deals and offers are when you go food shopping. This is a great way of curbing your spending when you do a shop. If you combine these deals with coupons and vouchers as well, you will be saving yourself even more cash. It’s important to plan the supermarket shop carefully by checking what you have in the cupboards and the fridge already. Find out what is on offer in the coming weeks at your local supermarket, then plan your meals around this. It’s actually a wonderfully effective way of saving money and making sure you only buy the essentials when you do a shop.
One of the biggest hacks that you can use to save some valuable money is to re-gift. This is the process of taking gifts that you have been given, and haven’t used, and giving them as gifts to other people. It’s a tried and tested technique that mums everywhere have been using for years. This is perfect if you are giving gifts to friends or work colleagues. Just make sure they don’t know the person who gave you the gift in the first place! That could make things a little awkward in the future! But, re-gifting is a perfectly legitimate, and thrifty technique for saving money. You might consider stockpiling gifts that you can use to re-gift on multiple different occasions.
These are just some of the ace money-saving hacks that mums across the country are using. They will help you make your pennies stretch that little bit further. We all know how difficult it can be to be a mother, or a parent these days. And financial worries are never far from our thoughts. So try to make use of as many of these hacks as you can to get the best possible outcome financially.
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