When they say you don’t know what you have lost till its gone they weren’t making it up . My dear old Mum passed away 8 months ago and its only now that she has gone that I constantly refer back to things she used to say. Some of her advice was spot on, some plausible and some just so funny. I’ll leave you to work out which is which.
I think most parents have said this one….don’t come running to me if you fall out the tree and break your legs. I was a bit of a tom boy, well a wannabe tom boy. As an only child I was adapt at entertaining myself but it did often mean limping home on my own as a scuffed another knee on a wall.
Never leave home with out your please and thank yous. Mum knew she and Dad couldnt give me everything money could buy but they knew they could give me the something even better…manners. Manners don’t cost anything and will get you a lot further in life.
Don’t leave a burn instead put butter on it ….I kid you not . I’ll leave that one there I think.
Never gamble. Er think she might have kittens if she knew I play mobile bingo games. I get where she was coming from but if your sensible and set your limits it can be fun. Besides if I followed that one I wouldnt be sitting on nice new plush sofas.
Don’t leave things just for best. She told me this one late in life and it’s absolutely true. Make every day your best day. That perfume you save for best evenings out, use it everyday and make yourself feel special every day. Best china for special guests ( do people still do this?) treat yourself and make a cuppa in it.
But the biggest thing she taught me has been since she has gone. Got something to say don’t leave it till tomorrow as for some tomorrow never comes. Dont put off popping in to see someone for a coffee and chat as you cant be certain of what tomorrow, next week or next year is going bring you.
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