Tuesday, September 17: A memory you would love to relive.
I wish so wish I could relive my daughter’s birth. She is my first born and her birth was a somewhat blurred memory. I had been admitted to hospital at 36 weeks with pre-eclampsia and spent what seemed like an eternity waddling around the ward with very puffy feet, fingers ….well everything was puffy really. Finally they induced me and the next few days went into a complete blurr.
When they started me off they told me to sit back and wait as it would be another 12 hours till my baby even started to show its face. My daughter on the other hand had other ideas and 4 hours later amidst a vague memory of a dash down a corridor, hundreds of doctors and then lots of fans being put on me to bring my temperature down she arrived. I know she was born at 4.30pm but I didn’t go to the ward till the middle of the night and ten wasn’t allowed out of bed till a few days later.
You think at the time you will remember ever little detail like their smell of the feel of their skin. But the older they get the worse your memory gets. You start to forget the everyday things that they did. You forget when they wore nothing but red wellington boots everywhere or when they posted your cash card in the bin not once but 6 times ( yes I know it took me 6 times to learn to hide it better).
I want to relive that tie so I can recapture it all again and take more photos, write down more things and keep more momentous. I am envious of Mums who can now utilise their blogs my recording their children’s lives. They have a running live diary of their lives and their children’s.
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