New Deal for Lone Parents is a voluntary Jobcentre Plus programme designed to help lone parents into work. It is for parents who don’t currently work but also those who currently work less than 16 hours per week and would like to work more. It helps by providing training that may be needed to get a better job as well as improving interview skills and help writing CV’s. It can also help financially with transport and child care cost whilst you look for employment and attend job interviews. They will also tell you how your benefits will be affected when you start work and help you apply for any work benefits or tax credits.
As it’s a voluntary programme, it is your choice as to whether or not you take part.
Although I personally haven’t tried New Deal for Lone Parents, I do know it has been a great help to some single parents. It has built their confidence up and helped them through the process of getting back to work.
Contact your local Jobcentre Plus for more details.
When claiming benefits it’s a good idea to:
- Take copies of completed claim forms and letters before you send them off.
- Keep a record of the date, time and the person you spoke to if you contact them in person or by phone.
- If you think they have made a mistake in working out your claim its worth getting advice from CAB. Don’t assume just because they are a government agency doesn’t mean they always get it right or that you can’t appeal the decision.
Great to have detailed yet easy to understand info that is so much brain boggle on forms etc 🙂 Thank you for this FANTASTIC PAGE xx