Somebody asked me the other day why I created Confessions of a Single Mum. I know why I did create this site all those years ago but time goes on, lives and circumstances change so I thought I would reiterate why I created Confessions of a Single Mum and why, even though my circumstances have changed, I still have Confessions of a Single Mum.
Then – I divorced well over 10 years ago. About 8 years ago I met my now partner. In the early years of our relationship we went our separate ways a few times. It was during one of these times I created Confessions of a Single Mum. I already had another blog so I knew how they worked and another thing I know a lot about is being a single parent. I have had heard all the jibes, had the sneered comments and have well and truly been tarred with the same brush as most single parents get painted with. I knew what it was like to have days when the only adult you talked to was the postman if you were lucky. I knew what it was like to juggle work, child care and a life. I did the online dating, I did the cringe-able dates and I did everything else in-between. I wanted other single parents to know it was actually ok to be a single parent. So I created Confessions of a Single Mum to shout about it.
Now – You see although I have been with my partner 8 years, we have never lived together. Nor have we made plans to live together. So I still do all my parenting alone. Yes when there is the big things to deal with, the children’s Dad and I do unite and we can be in the same room longer than 10 minutes without bloodshed. But at the end of the day I am still a single parent. I still have to do day to day parenting on my own. I still juggle work, money and children. There are still days I can be the only person I have talked too. There are still days I have to decide to eat or put the heating on. Yes they are now teenagers which in some ways is easier but in other ways it’s a whole new adventure and nightmare.
I still have a voice and I still think its ok to be a single parent.
So that’s why I created Confessions of a Single Mum and why I still have the blog.
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