Mecca Bingo have challenged me to come up with my very own story in aid of National Tell A Story Day
There was once a little girl who was told the story that you meet your prince, get married and live happily ever after. The story didn’t tell her that wasn’t always the case for everyone. One marriage, two children and a divorce later, the now grown up little girl, realized that the story wasn’t going to be her story. As a single parent she worked hard, very hard. She wanted her children to want for nothing and held down a full time job as well as trying to be the best parent she could.
It made her sick, so sick she had to change her job. The sickness continued and she had to leave her job and work from home. She was devastated, scared and penniless. Her children though were happier. They had their mum at home and didn’t care that most meal times where baked beans on toast instead of quickly grabbed takeaways on the way home from work. They saw too that their mum was happier because she was realizing that it was ok to be happy with what you got. That you don’t have to have everything and life is happier when you accept you have enough.
Six years on the children are nearly all grown up and their mum is heading back to a healthier life. If she hadn’t have become sick they may still be on the materialistic merry-go-round. The may never have experienced a tougher life but they would also never appreciate life as much.
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