After I talked to Claire about her experiences with Onlydating I thought I would do a series of online dating interviews. Here is Rachel’s interview.
How long have you been trying online dating?
On and off for about 4 years.
What made you try online dating?
Working in a group of women coupled with moving to a new town and not knowing anyone.
What made you try the dating site/s you chose?
Word of mouth and hearing success stories from friends and acquaintances.
What features did like about the dating site/s you used?
I have tried 4 in the past – Guardian was the worst and cost some money. Plenty of Fish was OK and free(and I knew a few success stories) but didn’t work out for me. OK Cupid is another free site recommended by University friends and seems to attract those who are willing to chat rather than send rude messages. I am also giving a shot for 6 months.
How many dates have you gone on from online dating?
Not many (I’m fussy) – 5 I think but there have been 1 or 2 that didn’t turn up.
Have you meet any one special?
Not yet – unless you count the few friends I have made.
So can we say this is a ‘Happy Ending’ ?
Wait and see. It hasn’t ended yet!
Lastly what one piece of advice would you give to anyone thinking about trying online dating?
Don’t waste too long chatting to someone if there is no mention of meeting up – they’re time wasters.
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