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I wonder what your biggest worries are that cause you the most stress. I would bet that at least one of your regular frets is based on your child’s education. Are they learning what they need to know? Will they get the grades to get into a good school? Recently, parents haven’t needed to worry too much about this until secondary school age. But, if Theresa May gets her way and brings back the grammar schools you can bet parents will be worrying about this far earlier. We all want to make sure that our kids get the best education possible. Is there a surefire way to do this?
Make Sure They Eat Well
On my blog, you’ll find some fantastic, delicious, healthy recipes for your family. Believe it not, this is related to education. Brain food is very real, and kids need it to function through the long school day. If you find that your children are not getting good grades in school, you might want to start by thinking about their diet. All the meals are important from breakfast to dinner. You need to make sure that kids are eating meals high in fibre and protein. It’s also important that you don’t cut something out their diet completely on the mindset of staying healthy. Kid’s bodies are still growing, and like their mind, they need a little of everything.
Sweet Dreams
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Did you know that one of the main reasons for poor grades in school today is a lack of sleep? It’s true, and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out why. When you were younger, I bet you had a bedtime and that time was probably quite early. At least, it will have been compared to the time your kids go to sleep I’m sure. Slowly bedtimes have been pushed back, and for some kids they are non-existent. It doesn’t help that some ‘family’ shows are on quite late. But with new tech, there’s no need to watch them live. You can record them and watch them together the next today. You also need to think about your kid’s bed. Is it comfy enough for sleep? Hollowfibre pillows are useful for restless sleepers because they have more give. This can help kids find a comfortable position for sleep. If they get a good night’s sleep, they’ll be ready to complete a full day of school.
A Little Extra Help
Most of us aren’t good at everything. There’s always one child in the class who is, but unfortunately, it’s probably not going to be yours. But that doesn’t mean that you need to let your child fail in some areas of the school. As the old saying goes practice makes perfect. If you find that your child is struggling in certain areas of the school, give them a little extra study time. You can do this by hiring a tutor. You might think, I can’t afford that! But you’d be surprised, particularly if you’re willing to hire a student rather than a trained teacher.
Education is always going to be a major concern for parents. But by approaching it proactively, you can make sure your child gets to the top of the class.
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