Pokémon Sun & Moon explodes all the sales records of Nintendo games in Europe. A success that is not insignificant after the release of Pokémon Go this summer. The classic sun and moon slot by Aristocrat is now available, you can play free in your browser or download visit Online Casinos New Zealand | #Top Exclusive NZ Online Casinos and check out online casinos where you can play games like Pokémon for real money.
Full cardboard for Nintendo! As of the first week of marketing, Pokémon Soleil & Lune (which was offered to discover how to earn a lot of money very easily) sold more than 425,000 copies in France. Philippe Lavoué, director of Nintendo France, told our colleagues at Le Figaro: “At this time, the half-million sales had to be exceeded,” he added. And to continue: “It usually takes two to four years for a best-selling Nintendo on 3DS to pass this threshold in France.” As a comparison, Pokémon X & Y had sold 125,000 copies in the first week, and Pokémon Rubis Omega and Saphir Alpha 180,000. Pokémon Go also has taken the world by storm and online casinos are ready to cash in on the Nintendo app’s runaway success visit https://www.casinous.com/ for reviewing online casino games. A success that is confirmed everywhere, with 1.5 million sold soft In Europe, for example, 4 million copies sold in North America and 2 million copies in Japan.
And a success that could be explained, according to Gaming Stories with Coca-Cola, by the thundering release of Pokémon Go last summer and its dazzling success. An explosion of downloads that had benefited the opus released before the application, and that continues with this new soft. “The enthusiasm around Soleil & Lune confirms our intuition: there can be a synergy between mobile applications and console games, neither can be cannibalized,” recalls Philippe Lavoué. It is therefore quite the opposite of a “cannibalisation”, some boosting the sales of others. And economic spinoffs will directly benefit Big N, unlike Pokémon Go which was developed by Niantic Labs, a US-based augmented reality application publisher, not by Nintendo. A few days ago, the editors talked to you about Pokémon Sun & Moon and offered to discover how to get Arceus and Meloetta in December. Pokémon Go has influenced your purchase of the game.
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