Running an online side hustle is a tough job! More and more parents embrace a candid and honest approach. Sharing about your day-to-day life makes you more relatable, whether you’re a blogger or an online influencer.
However, as a parent, it’s essential to draw a line between what you share about yourself and what you share about your family. While it is tempting to write about your kids, it is also important to protect your children’s privacy. What you share about your children today can be seen by everyone in the long term.
Define clear sharing goals
Every parent wants to talk about their children. We love them, and we are proud of what they do and achieve. However, if you’re going to make your kids a part of your blogging presence, you need to establish clear goals, as per Making your blog work for you is all about defining which goals are relevant for your online presence and how to achieve them.
Therefore, it’s also essential to figure out how your children fit in your blogging goals. If you want to give parenting tips, it’s a good idea to use your experience as an example. It makes sense to share your little ones’ milestones. However, if you build your blog about your professional skills, sharing too much could be counterproductive. As relatable as you want your blog to be, you need to make sure your content is relevant to your audience.
Make sure nobody can find your kids
If you have a social media presence, you may want to post candid family photos. However, it’s essential to consider that your kids have a right to maintain their lives private. Young children are unlikely to have privacy concerns. But we live in an age of cyberbullying and online harassment. You never know what someone else could do with the photos of your children. Leave it to them to share when they are ready and willing to. In the meantime, try to hide their faces on your social media feeds.
Additionally, you’d be surprised by how much people can find out about your family online. If your blog has a physical address, people could come and check on your home out of curiosity. This can expose your children to strangers who may not have their best interests at heart. Consequently, you want to ensure that nobody can find out your personal address, by setting up services. You can set a PO box anywhere in the world, and receive digital copies of all your posts. More importantly, nobody gets to know where you and your children live.
Have that Internet talk with them
Last but not least, make sure to have a chat with them when they are old enough. Children aged six or more are old enough to understand that you are talking about them. They may choose not to be mentioned in your blog posts. Older children could have content suggestions for you, or even ask if they can write an article for your blog. The bottom line: put your children in charge of how you treat them online.
Keeping family and online presence separate can be tough, especially as a blogger. But protecting the privacy of your children is essential. Starting with defining what is relevant for your readers, you need a privacy plan if you’re going to make kids part of your online presence.
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