I spend far too much time beating myself up about being the other side of 40. It does seem that after passing the awful four zero birthday life has just moved up a gear and is flying past way too quick. I am sure someone has nicked all the seconds as they just don’t exist any more. Minutes whiz by like seconds use to, hours fly past like minutes use to and a week is about as long as a day use to be. Just for a minute ( or hour ) I am going to try and concentrate on all the good things that I can be thankful for. Things that us groovy 40 pluses can relate too. So deep breath, here goes.
I am thankful that I no longer give two hoots what anyone thinks any more. I have got to the point that I know I know my manners and use them well and if someone takes offence by something I say or do its no longer my problem, its there problem. I never have or never will set out to hurt anyone on purpose so I feel justified in this new found confidence.
I am thankful I no longer feel a slave to fashion. Yes I keep an eye on what’s going on via my two teenagers as they dash out the door but other than that I am sticking two fingers up at stupid fashions that only suit stick thin manikins and not real people.
I am thankful I no longer want any more children. I did wistfully think I wanted more children for a many years after my two were born. Every birthday was a reminder I was getting older and more children was looking less and less likely. Now when I see young mums with their children running around with their constant questions, I am glad I have been there and done it and the next baby I hold will be, or might be, my grandchild which I can give back at the end of the day. I hold my hands up and admit I can not be doing with all that energy the little things posses these days. I can’t and wont even try to keep up with them.
I am thankful that I have age and wisdom on my side. Ok I may not be the most wisest of people and may have made a few duff choices in the past but I learnt from it all.
What are you thankful for?
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