When you’re in your 20s, many things feel on pause. You may be working hard to pay off student loans, save for a home or car, and build a stable career at the same time as figuring out what you want to do with the rest of your life. If you’re not sure where you want to go next or how to get there, travel is one of the best ways to find that out.
Travelling can be expensive and logistically difficult if you don’t plan it out in advance. But taking that trip, internship, or research grant when you’re just about to turn 30 can feel like waiting too long. So why not take that leap now? Here are a few reasons why you should.
Travel Helps You Find Your Purpose and Passion
If you’re in your 20s, you’re just starting out. You’re discovering who you are and what you want to achieve. Figuring out what you want to do with your life is challenging for most people, especially in the modern world with so many options and paths to choose from. A big benefit of travelling is that you will see different cultures, and meet people from different backgrounds. Figuring out what you enjoy while travelling is enlightening, as it reveals what you truly enjoy and, thus, should pursue.
A quick online search will reveal to you that there are endless organizations with the mission of encouraging young people to travel. Whether it be a study abroad program through your university, or college trips to America through an independent organization, you should absolutely take advantage of these opportunities.
Travel Helps You Learn About The World And Yourself
Studying another culture gives you insight into their traditions and values, but nothing compares to living in another country and immersing yourself in their way of life. When you travel, you will have the chance to explore other cultures, see how they live, eat their food, and experience their lifestyles. You’ll learn a lot about the world and yourself along the way.
Ideally, you’ll find out what you value, what you believe in, what you’re passionate about, and what you stand for. All of this will help you figure out what you want to do with your life. In a way, travelling is the ultimate journey to self-discovery.
Photo by Annie Spratt
Travel Helps Build Confidence
As you travel, you’ll discover that life is a constant series of challenges. You’ll be thrown into new and unfamiliar situations that you’ve probably never experienced before. These are opportunities for you to grow and build your confidence. By confronting your fears and pushing the bounds of your comfort zone, you’ll grow as a person and gain confidence in yourself.
You’ll learn that you’re capable of more than you thought you were and gain the self-assurance you need to tackle new challenges in the future. By the end of your trip, you’ll have a new-found confidence in your abilities and know that you can take on anything.
Travel Helps Build New Skills and Relationships
On your travels, you’re likely to encounter new situations and people. As a result, you’ll be thrown into conversations with people in places you have never experienced before. Meeting new people while travelling is probably the most formative aspect of the whole experience. Conversations with people of different backgrounds provide a window into a world unknown to you.
Photo by Felix Rostig
Travelling will help you develop new skills and grow as a person. You’ll also make friends along the way. Meeting new people and making connections with people from different cultures, undoubtedly, has life-changing effects.
Bottom line – don’t let your 20s pass by – go travel!
The world is a big place with a lot to offer you. Your 20s are your chance to explore and discover new places, cultures, and ways of living. It’s the perfect time to try new things, and take some risks. Travel will give you the chance to learn about the world and, more importantly, yourself.
If you do decide to travel, which, hopefully, this article persuades you to do, check out our article on How to Spend Less Money While Travelling!
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