When the time comes to return to work it can be tricky navigating the logistics of working, childcare, family life and actually having some time to yourself. There’s a lot to consider and it might take a while for things to settle into place. There are some things you can do to prepare for your return to work to help ease the transition back!
Think ahead
It’s a good idea to start thinking about your return to work with enough time to put a solid plan together with your manager or HR department. The earlier you start thinking about it the better, you can address concerns, consider working hours or days, think about any changes you may want within your role etc. It will give you plenty of time to think about what you’re looking for when you return and plenty of time to do some research.
Do some research around your rights when it comes to maternity leave and getting back into work and if there is anything your employer can offer in terms of extra support or benefits. Maybe they offer flexible working hours which might something you’d like to take advantage of to begin with. Spend some time thinking about what’s on offer and if there is anything you can take advantage off when you return to work.
Be open and honest
Make sure you’re communicating regularly to your manager and expressing any concerns you may have about returning to the workplace. Your manager should be able to help support you and address any issues you may have, so being open with them is a great start. It’s best, to be honest about how you’re feeling as you don’t want to come back to work and find after a couple of months you’re struggling to keep up as this might cause you to be more stressed. If you’re honest from the start at least your manager and HR manager can help you and ensure you’re supported.
Take it easy
Following on from being honest and open with your manager, it’s best to not rush into work and expect to do as much as you may have been doing before you left for maternity leave. Try easing yourself back in with either flexible working or different working hours to help suit your childcare needs. If you discuss it with your employer there’s no hurry to rush back into full time work, take it slow and make sure your return is successful.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help
If you need help or support, then don’t be afraid to ask for it! Put together a plan with your manager and ensure you book in regular meetings and catch ups to make sure you’re on track and you have everything you need to return to work in the best way possible!
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