Why Fiber?
Fiber is of great significance to our health and extremely necessary as a part of our daily diet as it aids in proper digestion and facilitates a healthy lifestyle.
We receive fiber from plant sources hence eating meat or a dairy product does not help our body in procuring the much needed fiber. Therefore a diet rich in plant produces, vegetables, cereals, nuts, fruits help our body in achieving the two main types of fibers – soluble and insoluble – which are both significant in their own ways.
Bran, beans, berries, whole grains and sweet peas are the most fiber rich edibles.
Fiber boosts the body’s immunity saving it from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, controlling blood cholesterol levels and evening aiding in prevention of cancer. Fiber is also significant for weight loss and acts as a check against obesity.
The facts:
Our body’s daily intake of fiber for a good living is around 25 grams a day for women and above 35 grams a day for men below the age of 50.
However, the consumption of fiber is precariously low among people in today’s times, often hovering below 15 grams a day.
Insoluble Fiber
In the day to day functioning, insoluble fiber does not break down during digestion, but, rather helps in the smooth passage of other foods along our stomach and intestine and aids in their absorption. It is a significant part of a healthy bowel system and acts as a preventive measure against digestive problems.
Soluble Fiber
The soluble fiber on the other hand decreases blood cholesterol and must be consumed during constipation as it softens the stools.
Fiber Rich Foods
Fiber rich foods help in keeping a person fuller for longer. This satiates the desire to eat and is often helpful for people working long hours or considering eating a healthy meal. However, one should not switch to a fiber rich diet suddenly as it leads to flatulence, which might make one feel bloated or give rise to stomach cramps. The fiber intake must be gradually increased for best results.
Cooking Fiber Rich Meals
Cooking a fiber rich diet is not much different than cooking an everyday meal. One just needs to include the proper ingredients and make the best choices.
- So instead of soups with cream and meats, you could opt for a lentil soup, as beans are extremely healthy and rich in nutrients and fiber.
- In terms of breads use whole grain products instead of white choices.
- Brown rice and whole grain pasta are also fiber rich and much healthier than their white counterparts.
- Bran, rice and whole grain cereals, like, Cheerios and Grape nuts give your body the right fiber intake without compromising on the quality or taste of the meal.
- In case you go hungry in between, consider snacking with nuts, peas and linseed as they are sure to fill your stomach without adding many calories to your body.
- All fruits are great for your body and contain fiber but for that something extra, consider having more berries as they have the highest resource in that arena.
- The veggies and fruits are irreplaceable when it comes to fiber rich cooking. Sometimes it is even better to slow cook the meals as the fiber gets incorporated in the entire dish and adds a delightful flavor to your stew, broth, or gravy.
- Green leafy vegetables, such as, greens, kale, collard greens, turnip greens, swiss chard and spinach are also fiber rich and should be included in at least 2 out of 3 meals daily. Salads are always a must have on your dinner table at all occasions. They are simply healthy and with a light dressing are simply a marvelous way to get fiber.
Love Your Body
Our body needs love, care and attention. Taking care of what we eat ensures that we set up a healthy body with a great immune system. Not just fibers, all nutrients are equally important, including the fats, carbs and proteins. So, at the end of the day, try to keep the diet balanced with the proper fiber count and see wonders happening right in front of your eyes.
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