It’s getting to that time of year again when the clocks go forward an hour and everyone struggles for weeks to know if they are hungry now or not and when they should go to sleep to get their body clock forward an hour. Oh, and children ask continually what time is it really. Do yours do that too?
Earth Hour falls at the end of March too. This is a worldwide movement organised by the WWF and its t encourage everyone to turn off their non-essential lights for one hour as a symbol of their commitment to the planet.
But it all does mean it’s the start of spring even though the weather has decided it’s now winter again and the evenings do start to draw out. For me, this is sad as I am a winter person. I prefer the cold to the heat and prefer dark nights to sunny evenings. Though there is something very surreal and odd if not naughty and childlike about going to be bed when the sun is still up.
Yes, I know it’s odd this preferring winter thing. But I am rather attached to the comfort of snuggling into a blanket whilst watching T.V. Even the evening ritual of putting the house to bed is a pleasant ritual. Curtains get drawn and various table lamps are switched on. Each light like those you can get at has its own purpose, the reading one, the so everyone knows we are in when we are out one, the sparkly one and the one just in case the others go one. In fact, one of the only reasons I wanted to be an adult was to have a home to put lamps in. Oh, and cushions.
I do try and enjoy summer, though, I am not all darkness and gloom. I spend half the summer, well I do use the word loosely, gaining back control of the garden so that one day of sunshine we can sit there and mutter how the garden looks wilder this year and discuss why mum (me) forgot to put the bulbs in yet again so no we don’t have nice flowers like the neighbours. The children eat fruit in the garden because its ok to eat fruit outside as it’s a summer thing (don’t ask me I don’t understand either, it’s a child thing apparently). We clean the chiminea and promise this year we will use it but it never quite happens. But then again summer never quite happens either.
The just as we get used to having longer days and we even manage to leave jumpers and cardigans at home, we are plunged back an hour and everyone starts moaning the evenings are getting dark and I start to smile again as I reach for the side lights.
So, are you a winter or summer person?
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