Never thought I would ever get to say it but we can’t complain it was a good summer this year didn’t we? It was warm, oh so warm. Maybe a tad too warm at times although I know we shouldn’t complain.
It was the first time in the 10 years I have been at this house that I actually loved my north facing patio that is always in the shade. We loved it so much we even made a bench and table to have dinners out there. I have always wanted a banquet type table outside with fairy lights to eat meals ever since I watched the film Chocolate with Johnny Depp. In the film they have a meal in the evening with food like beef with chocolate sauce, now that is lovely but it was the fairy lights that got me.
We sometimes get to eat outside with BBQ’s in the summer but there was something extra special about being able to eat out in the evening. Fairy lights, candles, and lovely food as we lounged around to hot and sticky to move inside. Being England I think this might be a rare thing though.
I have found myself watching the tv programmes where people decided if to buy a house in the UK or abroad. Abroad normally wins. And I can really see why after experiencing this year. I never really got it as I haven’t been abroad in 20 years, but that changes in a few weeks time. Sooooo excited.
I do think that once I’ve got my wings back in working order and got over being terrified of flying it might be hard to keep me in the UK.
Will I be brave enough to consider emigrating? Oh, now that would be exciting. I have family in Australia already who emigrated about 40 years ago. A quick call to Prime Lawyers in Sydney to check what I need to get in place could be on the cards.
Or maybe I could just do the traveling as there are so many countries and places I would like to go to and never have. New York for Christmas is high on the list as I have never had a Christmas with snow and I hear new York goes bananas with their fairy lights. I want to go to Cyrpus and experience the smells of herbs growing in the wild. I would like to walk on white sandy beaches with clear seas lapping my toes. Oh and see Canada in the fall to see all the trees changing colours.
In a few weeks, Spain is getting ticked off my list. I am excited and a bag of nerves. I have my travel tablets and passport ready. Bikini purchased if I get brave enough. My last flight was out of Mexico in a hurricane. Whilst pregnant so couldn’t take anything. I vowed I would never fly again. So really all future travel all hinges on the Spain trip.
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