Donna, quite fittingly, finishes her run of articles at eHarmony with the subject of commitment. The main goal at the end of dating. With our last few weeks of following Donna on her dating articles and my pennies worth of info, I thought I would round up some of what we have learned and a few other tips. We busted is the often preconceived idea that dating online is for losers. It definitely isn't, it can be used by the person down the street and the famous. eHarmony is the only ... VIEW POST
Tips On Dating Online
Latest Post from Donna
This week Donna is talking about two things, what we want in a date and the very fragile subject of financial differences. Of course we want someone who is well mannered, cooking skills and house trained. We wouldn't ask for someone who can't cook, doesn't know what a saucepan is and wears the same pair of socks for 7 days. Keep in mind that we all perceive things differently. eHarmony is the only dating site I recommend. Try eHarmony now and see your matches for FREE>> ... VIEW POST
What Not To Do On a Date
Donna is dishing out some useful tips on dating as a single parent in her post this week. I completely agree with her tips and wish I had them when I was first on the dating scene as a single parent. You can read her post Parental Guidance over at eHarmony. I was going to write my tips for dating as a single mum, instead I here is an example of 'what not to do' with one of my very early dating experiences. eHarmony is the only dating site I recommend. Try eHarmony now and see your ... VIEW POST
Would You Date Mr Nice?
Donna this week is talking about her fourth date with Mr Nice and eating peas. Trust me there is a connection in there and she is talking sense, rather good sense actually. ... VIEW POST
Are there really Real Men on dating sites?
Since I posted up about Donna and her online dating with eHarmony and my experience of online dating, I have had an email asking if there really are 'real blokes' on the dating sites and aren't they all after one thing. This sadly is sometimes the portrayal of finding love on the internet but it's not necessarily so. First off it would depend on which sites you use. You're much more likely to come across 'dating players' if the site is a free service. If you are after something more than a ... VIEW POST
Donna’s First Post at eHarmony
So what does Donna tell us about first? In her first post, Donna talks ages. Donna is early 30's (and no I am not at all jealous of her. Those who are not regular readers, I was dragged kicking and screaming into my 40's a few weeks ago and didn't shut up winging about it) so dating someone who is 10 years younger and another who is a lot older is quiet a swing on the age pendulum. I don't want to spoil too much of her post so you can mosey on over there and have a read, but I will say she does ... VIEW POST