You know how it is, you stare at something for ages but nope, you just can’t think of the name of it. So it gets called thing. Or you ask one of the kids to pass you the ….the….yep you can’t think of its name so it’s called thing again. The word ‘thing’ gets used for so many items and moments when the old brain cell refuses to work. Thing, thingy, thingamabob…..all rush to save the day.
But there are lots of ‘things’ that you wouldn’t think for a million years would have an actual name and they have. Someone at some point sat down, had a brainstorming session and gave the object a name. Who would have thought?
The armhole in your clothing is called an armsaye.
That dangling curl or hair is called a feat.
The small metal hoop that supports a lampshade is called a harp.
The plain or ornamental covering on the end of a shoe lace is called an aglet.
The space between the thumb and extended forefinger is called the purlicure.
The creases on the inside of your wrist are called rasceta.
The rustle of silk is called scroop. ( I knew this one – honestly I did )
And lastly … time your stomach rumbles you will know the noise is actually called wamble.
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