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From time to time, everyone’s household budget needs revisiting. It may be that certain expenses increase seasonally so budgets have to adjust. Or it might be that you have a large planned expense coming up that you need to make allowances for. Either way, our finances tend to shift over time, and we have to make changes. But there are ways to save more money on household costs, and once you get the ball rolling you’ll be amazed what you can save on.
Cancel Unused Subscriptions
A lot of businesses these days operate on a subscription model. Everything from our contact lenses to our laundry capsules and even our food can be delivered in return for a regular monthly payment. This means there’s a lot of potential wastage – these models make the most profit when we make our payment by default but don’t use the product or service to its fullest extent. You can now find an app that cancels unused subscriptions, or manually list the direct debits out on your account and analyse whether you really need them. Convenience can be an expensive luxury – and if you’re trying to save money, it’s an easy one to do away with. You’ll most likely find that you don’t need or miss many of those subscriptions when they’re gone.
Learn Basic Repairs
When things around the house go wrong, it’s always a costly affair – either paying out for repairs or having to replace a thing at short notice when you aren’t able to save for it or shop around for the best deal. You can save big if you learn to do simple home repairs and servicing yourself. Most things aren’t too complicated, and it’s easy to find video tutorials on servicing your car, re-grouting your bathroom tiles, how to fix Mac from overheating or replacing a heating element in your oven. Things like this can really help you to save on unexpected expenses, although be aware that there are some things you do need a qualified professional for and that you can make worse and more expensive if you mess up – so always know your limits!
Get Smarter On Energy Use
One thing we do have control over is our energy consumption – and we can help save the planet and our bills at the same time! Get a smart meter to keep greater track of just how much your appliance usage is costing you. Here is the area where small savings made often can quickly add up. If you work in an office, charge your phone at work rather than leaving it plugged in overnight, always switch appliances off at the plug rather than leaving them on standby, only boil the water you need in the kettle, turn down the thermostat and washing machine temperature by a few degrees and opt for a washing line or clothes airer rather than using a dryer. Also ensure that you are getting the best possible deal on your energy rates and replacing appliances with low energy use ones when they need an upgrade. Small changes here and there can really add up!
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