So we’re full swing into the stressful season of Christmas and so far everyone I am asking is in one of two camps. There the smug ‘yep got it done just waiting’ and then either humbug or panicked looking ‘not even started’ camp. Which are you? I am in the not even started camp but I am far from a humbug.
I love Christmas. Just love it so much. I can sit and stare at a good Christmas tree for hours. But I am a self-confessed tree snob so it does have to be a good tree.
I am so far behind this year mainly down to money. Actually, as I think about it, it’s totally down to severe lack of money stuff. The mind and even body are very willing to do the Christmas shopping but the rent does take a higher precedence.
Every year I promise myself I will start earlier so that it’s not such a last minute thing but it’s not happened yet.
I can manage the day to day money stuff but how much do I really know about money, could or should I be better educated about money as I am clearly doing something wrong?
My mate challenged me to take a finance quiz that she had just done. Good grief I only got 2 out of 7. I kept trying and can only get to 4 out of 7. I definitely need to increase my money skills.
Money is one of the biggest stresses of Christmas, relationships…..of life really. So I have looked up some money tips that may help you and obviously me too.
Budget –
Be it for Christmas, grocery shopping or clothes shopping. Work out the money you have. What you need to pay out. Then set a realistic budget for different sections.
Don’t Ignore the Bills –
Household bills need to be paid all year. They are important so although your budget for these type of bills probably won’t change from month to month you do need a bill budget so that you don’t forget them.
Use the Sales –
Black Friday and Cyber Monday is getting bigger and a useful sale to keep an eye on before Christmas ( yeah I know its already gone this year). Have a list of anything that’s on your Christmas list that is a bit more costly and checks out the pre-Christmas sales. Take advantage to all year round too as shops are always putting deals on. It does pay to shop around before you but and don’t but in impulse or the first thing, you see.
Don’t Borrow More –
Although it is very tempting to borrow or borrow more, do remember you will have to pay it back and if you are already struggling this will only add to your struggles. Go back to your budget and keep to it.
Get Advice – if you are struggling you don’t have to it alone. There are many places that offer debt advice and can help you. They don’t judge or preach but listen and offer realistic advice.
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