If you told me ten years ago that I was about to crash, burn out and get diagnosed with M.E I wouldn’t have believed you. I wouldn’t believe you if you also said I would have to completely change my life and at my worse I would have weeks at a stretch where I wouldn’t be able to work. Where the most strenuous thing I would be able to manage would be a flight of stairs, I wouldn’t have believed you.
If you told me last year that I would be back to part time work in a shop and also managing to work part time self employed I wouldn’t have believed you. If you added that I would also take up peddling my little socks off every day and managing over 10 miles every day, I may have fainted.
All that did happen though. You can read a bit more about me and M.E in my post on Living with M.E. M.E isn’t fun. It’s not just a case of being a bit tired and a little sleep will make it all better. There have been days where it was just beyond me to get dressed and get downstairs. It was a choice of one or the other. I have spent hours watching life go on not really being able to be part of it. This all sounds rather doom and gloomy till you realise I didn’t have M.E that badly. There are many people who have it a lot worse then I did.
Over the past year I have been getting better. Bit by bit, day by day. I took a part time job in the corner shop, something I thought I would never be able to do. I steadily, with the patience and understanding of my boss, increased my hours at work. I started eating a lot more fresh fruit and veg. I cut back as much as I could on breads, pastries and biscuits. The biggest turning point was when I started taking Barley Grass powder each day. The first day I gagged and grumbled as I drank the horrible green powder made into a drink. It smells like grass. Its the colour of grass and it makes your burps taste of grass. But its rather good at giving you energy and taking away pain. So much so I persevered and even bought more. I now drink barley grass like its a normal drink ……ok I may still pull a slight face.
For my birthday I got myself a fitbit with the aim to do 10,000 steps a day and four weeks ago I got my bike. Not one for getting out on an actual bike in public I opted for an exercise bike. It sits there and gets in the way so I never forget to do my daily peddle. You can read all that in Fitbit and Snotty , but the main thing is its all going towards me getting better. You never get rid of M.E, it will always be there. For now I am enjoying being the old me. Now if I could just have my old ‘slim’ body too I would be really happy lol.
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