Have you noticed that your kid seems to burst with energy and be extra playful just before bed, or is it just me? Thankfully, getting my little one into bed and having them sleep through the night has become more comfortable since I learned some amazing tricks. So, here are my top skills to help your kids sleep better at night!
No Screens Before Bedtime
Let us get technical. Light from screens affects melatonin production signaling the body that it’s not ready for bed. This is even harsher on a child. As you prepare the little munchkin for bed, all screens should be far away or switched off at least two hours before.
The Sleeping Environment
After visiting https://www.trymattress.com/, a trusted sleep review website, I learned that overheating, congestion and allergens just to name a few, are some of the factors that could interfere with a child’s sleep. My solution for this is organic cotton sheets and pajamas that are breathable.
Turn Off The Lights
If your child is scared of the dark, then you can use cute little fairy lights. These are dimmer and will not affect the child’s sleep. They will lull and gently take them to dreamland.
Limit Exposure to Violent Content
Media violence causes anxiety and nightmares. The child will be scared even to fall asleep. Put in necessary measures to filter this content out of the child’s life.
Physical Activity After School
Will you allow me to call this an art because my mom had mastered it when I was little? She always made sure that I played after school, and after dinner, I could barely stay awake. Physical activity is highly recommended for young kids, and it comes with many benefits – physical strength, a good appetite, and the child gets to develop friendships with their playmates.
Allow Your Kid to Guide You
Sometimes the answer lies with the child. Observe them and learn what works for them. What a fellow mom suggested or what you read in a magazine may not necessarily work. Just think of what you had done to that day your kid fell asleep quickly.
Avoid Caffeine
It may be in their chocolate or cola and should be avoided right from late evening. That energy boost from caffeine will not allow them to settle down before bedtime.
Their Meals
When a child takes a large meal before bed, that feeling of being too full will cause discomfort. Too little food on the other hand and the child will wake up in the middle of the night hungry. The right amount of food at the right time before bed.
Focus Less on Sleep
When someone repeatedly tells you how and when to do something, it never helps at all. After all, this is what adults call nagging. Unfortunately, if you just insist on the child sleeping, the child may become anxious.
How about focusing on helping the child relax before bed so that they can fall asleep naturally? For instance, Cuddling up with the little angels helps them relax and doze off quite quickly. You could be reading to them in bed, cuddling or listening to relaxing white noise sounds or music together.
Quantity and quality of sleep are essential for a child’s development – repair of tissue, supply of blood to the muscles, mental and physical development. Additionally, after a good night’s sleep, your child wakes up cheerful, hungry and ready to have a fun day. It’s just every mom’s idea of a good morning!
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