A short spurt of sunny days and I have got busy in the garden. The last few years my veg patch has been rather neglected to say the least. The strawberry plants have been the only thing to produce anything unless you count weeds that the veg patches produced in abundance. In desperation I scattered green manure on the two empty patches. Green manure is a Monty favorite, he raves about it in his programmes. Green manure is basically a plant you scatter in seed form and let it get on with it. It grows away and produces sea of green to look at and some have pretty flowers. Before it goes to seed you chop it back and either leave it to dig in later or dig in straight away. It puts back some goody bits that veg growing can take out. Big bonus is that it easy fills a space and you can just leave it alone and get on with other stuff.
This year I want to use the garden more. I think this every year and never do as my garden is overlooked by my neighboring gardens. One side there is a wooden fence about waist high. That neighbor does have plants growing up her side so there is some privacy but yet she still manages to catch me. The other side there is just a wire fence with neighbors who dont like hedges of any sort. The only bit which isnt overlooked doesnt get any sun. None of it that inspiring or oozing with design potential.
I want a garden that I can sit in and not have neighbours popping up chatting all the time asking what I am doing all the time. Or neighbours remarking that I don’t look like I am working when I actually drag work outside and then continue to whitter on about this and that despite me having very obvious books or laptop in hand. I want to be able to sit in the garden and eat my tea without everyone else knowing what I had for tea. Sadly none of this will be as the garden just isnt built to cater for all that.
Vegetables growing I can manage. This year planted out are lettuces, beetroot, cauliflowers and red cabbage. The existing strawberries are doing well but the blueberry bush isnt looking so good this year. Oh and I have forgotten the tomatoes and french beans or was it dwarf beans I planted. One of the two anyway. I have had to get nifty with some netting and poles though as both cats have developed a love for rolling in the soil. Lettuces don’t really like being rolled all over. So the veg patches are full and it’s a waiting game.
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