No one likes to confront the fact that their parents are getting older. Our parents are the people we have grown up relying upon but as they get older the roles usually reverse and elderly parents may need some extra help or care. If they are using a wheelchair or a powerchair you may need to make changes to their home or take extra time to visit them to ensure that they have everything they need.
Discuss Their Needs
The first step to making sure your parents are looked after in their old age, is discussing their needs with them. It can be difficult to sit down and have this conversation but it is important to make sure that they are getting all the care they need. Find the right time to broach the subject and find out how you can help them as they get older.
Making Adaptions To The Home
If your parents are still able to live independently but are struggling to get around you may need to make some adaptations to their home. Stair lifts and rails are some of the simple adaptions which specialist companies can make to help your elderly parents move around the house safely.
Make Sure They Get Out
It gets harder to go out as you get older, limited mobility can be restricting and you might find that your parents are choosing to spend most of their time indoors. It’s not healthy for anyone to spend all of their time inside and can have a detrimental impact on both their physical and mental health. So, you may need to help them by driving them to the shops or taking them for a walk.
Consider Assisted Living
If your elderly parents have considerable health problems, assisted living may be an option. You’ll need to approach this subject tactfully, as understandably the idea of living in a care home or residential facility might not be very appealing. However, you need to decide whether or not you are able to provide them the level of care they need. Caring for an elderly family member who has complicated needs can be time consuming and emotionally draining, it is not usually a viable option for someone who is working full time.
Socialise With Them
Sometimes all your parents will need is someone to talk to, particularly if they are now living alone. Loneliness is one of the biggest issues which people find in their old age, as they lose their friends and become isolated. Caring for your parents by socialising with them can be as simple as a weekly, or daily, phone call to catch up with them and find out how they are doing. If you live close by, visiting your parents regularly or taking them for days out can be a valuable way to spend quality time together and ensure that they are getting out enough. If your schedule doesn’t allow for regularly seeing your parents, perhaps you could encourage them to join a local club or community group.
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