When the children were small I thought I would be doing the school run for the rest of my life. I seemed to spend my life walking to and from school. Then I had to return to work full time and I spent all my time chasing from one school to another as my eldest had moved up to secondary school. When my eldest was old enough to walk herself it felt really odd only having one school run but not nearly as odd as when they both were old enough and I wasn’t needed, unless it was raining of course.
Of course, situations evolve. They have to so that we move on. We grow. We mature, well some people do. I am now in the situation that only my youngest is at college. My eldest is about to leave but already has a job. The youngest has a summer job for the college holidays. For the next few weeks all three of us work. We are all either like passing ships in the night or were all home in various stages of vegging on the sofa.
So now it’s weird. I am a parent but my children are gangly legged teen-adult things that are in shock that they have to do this work thing for the rest of their lives. They are becoming adults. They have ideas and thoughts. They are learning what things they enjoy doing and those things they not so keen on.
So if you’re still in the school run days, don’t panic it does end. There is light at the end of the tunnel But it is a double edge sword as it also means they are less dependent on you. They are growing up and away.
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