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We’re pretty sure men throughout history have had pretty short attention spans but, wow, it seems to have hit a whole other level. We’re not just talking about the way they flick through TV channels while simultaneously scrolling through Instagram as some podcast plays in their earphones; we’re talking about trying to keep a man’s attention.
It doesn’t matter how good you are at getting the guy, there are so many distractions out there these days and that makes keeping him a challenge as tough as Everest Base Camp and what lays beyond.
It shouldn’t be that hard, but it is. Sure, the best place to start is with being yourself. Always be yourself. That said, three months in, us girls have a way of dropping the perfect mask and letting our crazy slip out a bit, which is why we have come up with this list of other things you can do to keep your man’s eyes on you, get him to appreciate you for the goddess you are and, who knows, maybe even take that next step in the commitment game.
- Learn His Love Language
Learning his language of love can be like trying to navigate a minefield, but it’s something every couple needs to work out. You may love him and he may love you, but you need to know what kind of loving they need. Find out what this is and you’ll be showered in kind of love and adoration you want and deserve to. That could be words of affirmation, quality alone time, a bit of physical touching, romantic dinners, you being spontaneous – anything.
- Like What He Loves
The thing that makes people so incredibly intriguing and unique is that we’re all different. We all have different idiosyncrasies and likes and pleasures and whatnot. It’s what allows us to have deep relationships with others. This means your guy won’t love everything you love, nor the other way around. This is a good thing, though. You wouldn’t want him to come with you to get a pedicure every Wednesday morning. That’s why you need to learn to like – or just tolerate – what he likes. Stock the fridge with beer and nachos on game day, surprise him with a trip to Hunters Tech World and then go hunting with his family, maybe even buy a baseball jersey. It will go down soooo well.
- The Secret Is Space
Remember that old-age adage, absence makes the heart grow fonder, it’s absolutely spot on. To keep a guy interested, simply give him a bit of space. Give him that alone time he craves. Let him sit on the couch in his underwear playing console games with his online buddies. Give him time to pursue his hobbies and the interests you find weird but he is slightly addicted to. This will also give you time to see the girls and we know how fun – and disastrous that can be. So, the next time he tells you he made plans with his buds, flash that gorgeous smile of yours, tell him to have fun, and then schedule a date at the spa with a few of your friends and some bottles of champagne.
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